Monday, November 8, 2010


Once upon a time, I realized that it is THREE WEEKS UNTIL I LEAVE SHOW LOW FOR THE PROVO MTC!!!!!! I don't report until three weeks from Wednesday, but I am leaving my hometown of Show Low on Monday the 29th of November with my grandparents. They are taking me to their home of Castle Dale, Utah, which I absolutely LOVE! I will stay there with them until Wednesday when I go to Provo Town U.S.A.!
It's going to be SO GREAT!!!!
In other news: I have run out of Whale crackers here at work. I have a chronic case of SNACKING, so you can imagine that I am going a little bit bonkers. Also. For some reason, my office snack choices have an ocean theme? Which I didn't even realize until one day I was eating Whale crackers and Swedish Fish candy.
My fingernails are bright hot pink magenta fuchsia today.


  1. Caitlyn Nash. I love your posts.. I have whales as my office snack too! From Dollar Tree? Haha. Love it! I cannot believe you leave in 3 weeks darling:( I wanted to see you before you leave. I'm coming home for Christmas but you will be gone by then. I love you!

  2. So I think that you should spend the extra bucks and buy the Goldfish crackers, they still stick to your ocean theme but are like a 100 times better than whales. . .just saying. . .oh and if you want to veer from your ocean theme the best cheesy crackers are cheeze-its. . .I threw a box of them at my husband one time. . .oh but that's another story!!
