Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Just because you really enjoy kissing someone doesn't mean that is a valid reason to marry them.
Carleigh and I were talking about this, and I said that sentence to her, and she said, "Wait! I'm going to have to kiss that person for the rest of my life! And beyond! I think I would prefer to enjoy it."
So let me rephrase that. Deciding to marry someone SOLELY because they are a great kisser is COMPLETELY BONKERS!!
Don't do it.
This has been a public service announcement, brought to you by the Stop Stupid Marital Decisions Association of America (aka The SSMDAOA.) (Also. That may or may not be a real Association. . . .)


  1. Whew I'm glad you got this public service announcement out there . . .11 years too late. . .I"m pretty sure I said yes to Scott solely because he was a good kisser. . .thank goodness we found some other great things about each other too!!

  2. Oh my gosh. The SSMDAOA. I'm DYING. lol. Did you even remember you had this blog??? It's golden!
