Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Today's post will be all about butterflies.
1: One time, there was this girl in Young Women's with me. She was Deveney's age and she hated/was irritated by butterflies because they reminded her of this girl that loved butterflies and was slightly annoying about it. It was a big joke in YW for a long time. For this girl's birthday, Deveney made her a card. Covered in butterflies.
2: Butterflies in your stomach. This phenomenon can be attributed to a variety of causes, some of which are listed here: nerves, true love, EXCITEMENT OVER GOING TO DISNEYLAND!
3: I found a dead butterfly when I was vacuuming out my car today. (Technically, vacuuming should not be a verb. A vacuum is a noun, as is a vacuum cleaner, so it should really be 'vacuum cleaning out my car today.' But that sounds slightly dumb.)
4: The long tube mouth of a butterfly is called a proboscis. Actually, so is the trunk of an elephant.
5: Butterflies taste with their feet.
6: One time, I actually caught a butterfly.
7: On Alice In Wonderland, Alice sees "bread and butterflies" whose wings are slices of buttered bread. I am now hungry.
8: Remember that book The Hungry Caterpillar? He turned into a butterfly.
9: My roommate Katie is deathly afraid of moths. Which are like butterflies.
10: I AM GOING TO DISNEYLAND! Which was founded by Sir Walter Disney, who really loved butterflies. (That may or may not be true.) He did, however, own the studio that made the movie Alice In Wonderland, already mentioned in this post for the bread and butterflies. He did not write this book, Lewis Carroll did. (His real name was Charles Dodgson and he taught mathematics at Oxford.)
11. Back in grade school, the school would have this promotion deal on Arbor Day. You could buy different types of trees from the school. Every year, me and/or my sisters wanted to get what was billed as "the butterfly bush." The packet said that this bush would attract all the butterflies around. How magical, right? One year, we convinced our dad to buy it for us. He planted it in our backyard. It died.


  1. I was so excited to read your butterfly post because Avonleah and I are studying insects today and we needed some fun information about butterflies!! You are so funny . . .Disneyland is going to be the best, I even went there on my Honeymoon!!! What a blast!

  2. Caitlyn, Just for the record, Butterflies, as well as rainbows and prism reflections are some of my very favorites..I have wanted to buy them, grow them, feed them and get the bush also. I about them look up pictures of them and watch for them outside every year....I loveeeeeeee them....So hats off to you at Disneyland....It will so much fun......Enjoy and love you.... Aunt Kaylma

  3. Bahahahah this post just makes me miss you and your hilariousity!
