Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day!

No, that is not a call of distress. I am just proclaiming the first day of May! Hooray!
Or, in the words of Lewis Carroll
- Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! -
Since I am graduating in two weeks and leaving Thatch forever (well, for the foreseeable future) I decided to do today some things that I've wanted to do ever since I moved here two years ago. Actually, these things have probably been on my list to do ever since I came here for choir times in high school.
- One: Go to the Antique Rose, the shop down on the corner.
- Two: Put pennies on the train tracks and flatten them.
I'm sure there's more on my list. But so far, I've done these two things today. The antique shop was so great. My favorite things by far were the old hats and gloves! Oh how I wish we still were that classy!
I put the pennies on the train tracks. Unfortunately, I do not know the train schedule. I'm pretty sure there's a train every afternoon. If not, I know for sure there's one every night. So. At some point tomorrow, I will have to go down and find my flattened money!
Also. This is always on my list for springtime: stop and get a snowcone on the walk home! While I do not love the Hawaiian Snow Shack as much as the Water Depot, Hawaiian has the advantage of being marginally closer to my home, i.e., within walking distance.
Once Carleigh and I walked to the Water Depot. Yep. Just so long.
And tonight is the Luau! This is such a great place. Free food and entertainment and happines and joy abound.
It is quite a frabjous day!

1 comment:

  1. There are so many things I intended to do but did not do for some reason or another. . .but I did graduate from EAC and I did fall in love and get my heart broken and I did find out that I was a resilient person and full of the ability to survive unimaginable things. . .good luck!!
