Friday, October 15, 2010


It is autumn. You can smell it. I can especially smell it because I work right across the street from Waldo's Barbecue, where the man does the cooking in his outdoor wood-burning cooker. When you can smell wood smoke, you know that it is fall.
Yesterday at work, a man came in to make an appointment. He mentioned that he needs to improve his hearing because he plays the bass in the hospital lobby with his friend playing the piano. This guy was 79, with his birthday coming up in about three weeks. And his piano playing friend is 83! We got to talking. His name is Richard Welsh and he has just had the most amazing life. He was the only musically inclined person in his family, and he learned the cello in his school orchestra when he was 12. He is a U.S. Navy veteran, and he told me a story about when he was stationed in Guam. He was down on the beach, and kept hearing music from somewhere. He hiked up the hill through the jungle and found a small clearing with a gazebo, in which there was a string quartet! He listened for a while, and then one of the girls noticed him and asked, "How does it sound?" They proceeded to have a conversation in which she asked if he played. When he replied that he did, she said, "Good. I need a break. Would you mind stepping in?" He just jumped right in and played with them. And he continued to play with them at gigs for the rest of his time in Guam!
He told me he and his wife had played together for years, her on the piano, organ, and accordion, until she died. He told me that she loved playing the big cathedral organs. Once, St. Patrick's Day fell on a Sunday, and she was playing the organ for Mass. After Mass, she started playing some Irish tunes, and no one left! They were all enjoying her playing so much. Finally, one of the priests came up and said "Mary, ye have to stop that playing! I have another Mass, you know!" (Mr. Welsh told me this story and included the Irish accent of the priest. Ha!)
He gave me some advice. He said, "If you are even a little bit musically inclined, hang on to that. Develop it and never let it go. You'll be able to go anywhere and make any friends. It will be a blessing to you all your life."
Isn't it a great world when we can meet people like this?
Birthday countdown: 8 days! This time next week, I'll be in the happiest place on earth! Woo!
MISSION COUNTDOWN: 6 weeks and 5 days. WOO!!!

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